About Us

The Net Zero Innovation Hub for Data Centers is a collaboration between Danfoss, Data4, Google, Microsoft,  Schneider Electric and Vertiv.


The need for a rapid societal transition into a zero carbon economy also concern data centers. But the industry faces challenges that cannot be solved by individual corporations alone. Lowering energy consumption, increasing efficiency, heat reuse and grid balancing, back up energy supply, security issues all require a systemic approach to be solved and secure a bright future for data centers in Europe.

The Innovation Hubs mission is to connect European data center with the energy and utilities sectors, to accelerate the collective journey towards net zero.

About Net Zero

Data centers are facing increased public scrutiny and political awareness. More demands and legislation is expected over the coming years, that will influence the development and operation of data centers dramatically.

The Hub offers a joint setup for European data center operators and suppliers to address key challenges in a systematized methodology, scale the solutions to the whole industry, and present them to the public. Thereby facilitating a faster way to net zero for the industry.

Board of directors


Dietmar Baro, Vice President, Applications, Systems & Technology (Chairman of the Board)


Shen Jackson, Director of Engineering, Google


Schneider Electric:

Matthew Baynes. VP Design and Construction Partners, Cloud & Service Provider Segment


Todd Noe, Director of Energy Technology Innovation


Linda Lescuyer, Innovation Leader


Viktor Petik, VP, Regional Leader, EMEA

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