NZIH Workshop in Amsterdam: Pilot projects to start in 2025

Christine Kjær Jacobsen • February 20, 2025

Data Centers as grid assets, heat reuse ready solutions with and without district heating, and clean back-up solutions.The Net Zero innovation hub for data centers hosted a workshop in Amsterdam at Google, where the Hub members presented innovative solutions which will be integrated in pilots in 2025.

During the workshop, hub members were updated on ongoing projects. The ongoing RFI for net-zero data center back-up solutions has delivered multiple clean back–up solutions, which are currently being evaluated. The Heat Reuse team delivered reference designs, ready to be implemented in projects. The Operators aligned the Scope 3 emissions project track, led by Data4.

Testing Phase for Innovative Net Zero Solutions kicks off in 2025
As one of the key takeaways, CEO Alberto Ravagni was able to share that The Hub is now part of the European Testing Experimental Sites (TEFs) network, supported by the European Commission.

TEFs are specialised large-scale reference sites open to all technology providers across Europe to test and experiment at scale state-of-the art AI solutions, including both soft-and hardware products and services.

Alberto expands: “We are building a European network of testing sites to drive innovation and lead the transition to a sustainable future. We invite you to join us in testing innovations ready for demonstration.”

A few of the highlights from the workshop included solutions being presented on major project tracks:

  • Heat Reuse Solutions: Integrating with district heating systems and alternative heat off-takers.
  • Reference Designs for developing heat-reuse-ready data centers.
  • Clean Onsite Power Generation: Delivering clean backup solutions and faster power access for data centers, a project area already receiving strong industry interest, as well described in this Sean James post.
  • The evaluation phase has begun for the first batch of innovations submitted through the new RFI (Request for Innovation).

Participants included representatives from Google, Danfoss, Schneider Electric, Vertiv, Alfa Laval, BP, Deif, RISE, Mitsubishi, Wilo, PLDCA, WA3RM, Høje Taastrup District Heating, Noord-Holland and Innio Jenbacher.


Inspiring presentations

The workshop included inspiring talks and knowledge sharing, covering heat reuse, scope 3 and clean energy backup.

Presentations from the workshop are available for Hub members.

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Thomas Parker from WA3RM shared how WA3RM is bringing waste to life by. WA3RM was recently announced as a partner for heat reuse on a major atNorth data center project in Denmark. When it comes to heat reuse, The Hub works with two major tracks, and Heat-to-x (heat reuse for other purposes than district heating) is a track showing promise as a solution in places where district heating isn’t as widespread.

When connecting a data center with a greenhouse, remember that one of these is a high-tech energy facility,”  said Thomas Parker, Wa3rm, in a memorable quote.

Frederik Rugaard from Høje Taastrup District Heating followed up with inspiring examples of successful integration between the Danish district heating company and local data centers.

Piotr Kowalski from Polish Data Center Association shared the experiences the PLDCA has built in data center waste heat recovery. Poland is now the 2nd largest district heating network in Europe and has large potential for utilizing waste heat. “Poland has historically been seen as a coal-oriented country, but we are on a steep path to decarbonization where data center will play an important role,” Piotr explained.

Drew Turner from Danfoss gave an update on the heat reuse project with a focus on reference design for heat reuse. The heat reuse group is now looking for testing sites to test reference design scenarios.

Learning from EV charging to data center Alan Agurto Goya from BP shared thoughts onwhat EV fast charging and data centers have in common. The relevant grid impact and innovative solutions to turn it into a positive impact.

The Hub has launched its track on de-risking investments.

 Through the NZIH innovation process, it creates diverse investment opportunities tailored to different investor profiles—from venture capital supporting small companies in validation stages to project and infrastructure investments for scaling up.

By leveraging both private and public funding sources, the Hub aims to drive innovation at scale.

The Hub will leverage private and public funding sources to  scale innovation.It will foster collaboration among the investment arms of its members, working to catalyze and mitigate risks in innovation investments.

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By Merima Dzanic August 27, 2024
Net Zero Innovation Hub board of directors to host a session at the upcoming DCD London conference on 18th September. The session is taking place on 18th September from 15.00 GMT at the Business Design Center in London. During the session, attendees will find out about current and upcoming projects, how to get involved, and meet the team and the board behind the Innovation Hub. The session is open to all attendees of the conference. The Net Zero Innovation Hub is a pan-European initiative led by Danfoss, Data4, Microsoft, Google, Schneider Electric and Vertiv. The scale of innovation projects struggles to keep up with the scale, speed and complexity of data center projects. To master the challenges of the twin transition, towards Net Zero and AI, the data center industry needs new innovation models. This can be achieved through cooperation across the data center industry, with companies driving innovation, start-ups, academia, R&D institutions, industry associations, advocacy entities, public and private investors. The Hub is selecting innovations in the early commercialization phase, to evaluate and execute projects, solutions, and business models based on their “Net Zero Impact” and acceleration capability towards Net Zero. The focus of the first set of projects are within the area of Carbon-Free Energy and Heat Reuse, which we are excited to announce together with our partners. “We are looking forward to the session at DCD, meeting industry partners and developing the partnerships needed to bring innovation projects from First-of-a-Kind (FoaK) to beyond the critical mass”, says Alberto Ravagni, CEO of the Net Zero Innovation Hub. “Net Zero means for us having a zero or positive impact on planet, people and profit, starting with the environmental impact measured by the GHG emissions, and extending to the holistic LCA impact categories”, adds Ravagni. About the Net Zero Innovation Hub for Data Centers The Net Zero Innovation Hub is a pan-European initiative which seeks to address key sectoral challenges through concrete innovation projects and establishing stronger links between operators, suppliers, and governments. Workshop link: Contact: Alberto Ravagni, CEO Merima Dzanic, PR & Communications +45 20 15 50 21
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The Net Zero Innovation Hub for Data Centers hosted a workshop on data center heat reuse last week in Frankfurt. Gathering operators, vendors and research institutions, the day focused on data center design, standardization and impact of HPC chip temperature on data center heat reuse. The focus was to identify and qualify concrete projects to accelerate the adoption of data center heat reuse for various use cases across Europe. “The workshop was very constructive in connecting and aligning ecosystems and industry organizations such as EUDCA and Euroheat & Power. Only when we come together and pool our knowledge, can we make things happen much faster and at a much larger scale”, says Alberto Ravagni, CEO of the Net Zero Innovation Hub for Data Centers. “The last few months we have spent time gathering information and reaching out to partners. Now we are ready to move ahead with the first projects within the heat reuse domain. This is a very exciting time for the industry, and we are excited to announce the next steps very soon”, adds Ravagni. The newly established Innovation Hub is a neutral platform, where the data center industry and the surrounding ecosystems can come together and find solutions to common challenges. For more information, please contact: Merima Dzanic, PR & Communications, Net Zero Innovation Hub for Data Centers + 45 20 15 50 21
By Merima Dzanic April 17, 2024
The Net Zero Innovation Hub for Data Centers is pleased to announce the appointment of Alberto Ravagni as new CEO of the Innovation Hub. The consortium was launched in September 2023 by industry partners Data4, Danfoss, Google, Microsoft, Schneider Electric and Vertiv. Alberto Ravagni brings over 20 years of experience in the energy industry and is a clean energy architect and industry expert in clean energy, energy storage, and fuel cell technologies. Alberto has been the co-founder and Managing Director of the consultancy firm InfraPrime℠. “I am very pleased that Alberto Ravagni has agreed to become the new CEO of the Innovation Hub. Alberto has vast experience and in-depth knowledge of our industry, as well as the energy sector. He has shown great leadership in his previous positions, is very well-respected and brings a strong track record and international experience from positions earlier in his career,” says Dietmar Baro, Chairman of the Board. Alberto will be responsible for the daily management of the Innovation Hub, working closely with the founding members and project partners, to decarbonize the data center industry in Europe through innovation and cooperation. "The data center industry has a unique impact on our lives, extending far beyond its energy consumption and environmental footprint. It can lead and accelerate the journey towards achieving net-zero emissions and simultaneously enable circular, sustainable growth. I am looking forward to connecting the ecosystems, converging industry, research, innovation, finance, and public institutions, to collaborate on impactful projects with quantifiable outcomes. This effort relies on your support. Join us in shaping a sustainable tomorrow”, says Alberto Ravagni. Ravagni has previously contributed to the foundation and served as board member of the Joint Technology Initiative for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells of the European Commission, a public-private partnership which manages a €1 billion innovation program to drive the transition to zero carbon energy systems. Previously, he was the founder and CEO of SOLIDPower, a market leading fuel cells company, which commercialized fuel cells generators in megawatt scale for residential, SME, and data center clients. Ravagni was a member of the first board. Alberto Ravagni will start as CEO of the Net Zero Innovation Hub for Data Centers on 1 May 2024. About the Net Zero Innovation Hub for Data Centers The Net Zero Innovation Hub is an industry consortium launched in September 2023 by Data4, Danfoss, Google, Microsoft, Schneider Electric and Vertiv, to accelerate European data centers towards a net zero future. The consortium will function as a meeting place where key players can enter into collaborations and develop new innovative solutions that can be quickly implemented for the benefit of the green transition. For further information, please contact: Net Zero Innovation Hub for Data Centers: Merima Dzanic, PR & Communications // +45 20 15 50 21
By Merima Dzanic February 9, 2024
Net Zero Innovation Hub for Data Centers kicked off first project with a workshop on data center heat reuse. The Net Zero Innovation Hub for Data Centers hosted a workshop on data center heat reuse yesterday at Googles offices in Amsterdam, the first project within the newly established Innovation Hub. The focus was on identifying the challenges and opportunities of various applications of data center heat reuse in Europe. The newly established Innovation Hub is a neutral platform, where the data center industry and the surrounding ecosystems, can come together and find solutions to common challenges. The initial workshop concluded positively with a clear message: European data centers want their excess heat to be reused and become an integrated part of the communities in which they operate in. However, several barriers are hindering these developments, which we need to overcome. Some of the challenges which were identified were centred around ownership models, regulatory frameworks and pace of technological developments. “Our aim is to gather a range of partners, including those who have already done some tremendous work within this domain, to see how we can combine our forces and accelerate the development of data center heat reuse in Europe”, says Peder Bank, program lead for the Innovation Hub’s heat reuse project. This is a complex subject and undoing the “knot” of difficult challenges, cannot be undone, or solved without forging collaborations outside of the data center sector. We need to push this even further and accept that the hardest, but best collaborations, come from being involved in cross-industry and sector innovation systems. This is exactly why the Net Zero Innovation Hub was founded, and I am looking forward to the work ahead of us”, adds Bank. Participants included representatives from the founder group including Google, Data4, Danfoss, Schneider Electric as well as Meta, Alfa Laval, Wilo, BP, Danfoss, DTU, BorderStep Institute, RISE, Euroheat & Power and DTU. For more information, please contact: Merima Dzanic, PR & Communications, Net Zero Innovation Hub for Data Centers + 45 20 15 50 21
By Merima Dzanic February 5, 2024
European colocation provider Data4 has joined the Net Zero Innovation Hub for Data Centers consortium, joining forces with Danfoss, Google, Microsoft, and Schneider Electric. The Net Zero Innovation Hub was launched in September 2023, to accelerate European data centers towards a net zero future. The consortium will function as a meeting place where key players can enter into collaborations and develop new innovative solutions that can be quickly implemented for the benefit of the green transition. At the same time, it will serve as an opportunity to share best practices and guidance from leading researchers. Initially, the focus is on developing solutions that lower or equalize the data centers' carbon emissions and contribute to the stabilization of the electricity grid. “I am delighted to announce that Data4 Group has joined the Board of the Net Zero Innovation Hub, a new pan-European innovation centre, which brings together major players in the data center sector to find practical solutions to accelerate the ecological transition. Our Europe-wide working group is made up of major players like Google, Microsoft, Schneider Electric and Danfoss.”, says Olivier Micheli, President of Data4 Group. “We are delighted to welcome the European colocation operator Data4 to the partnership. Data4 has always had innovation at forefront of their organisation. Adding their expertise and knowledge to the mix of innovation power-houses within the consortium, will only strengthen the work of the Innovation Hub, “ says Henrik Hansen, Interim CEO of the Net Zero Innovation Hub for Data Centers. The Hub will be targeting projects in Scope 1, 2, and 3, which are the different kinds of greenhouse gas emissions that a company or organization produces. More specifically, for cutting emissions (Scope 1) the Hub will look at projects for diesel generation alternatives and substitute fuels, and heat reuse. As for indirect emissions (Scope 2), the Hub will aim to better utilize carbon-free energy sources such as wind and solar for power generation. And for embodied emissions (Scope 3), the Hub will partner with suppliers and academia to research how to decarbonize raw materials like concrete, steel, and aluminum, allowing for data centers to be built more sustainably in the future. For further information, please contact: Net Zero Innovation Hub for Data Centers: Henrik Hansen, Interim CEO // +45 40 13 44 74 Net Zero Innovation Hub for Data Centers: Merima Dzanic, PR & Communications // +45 20 15 50 21
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