Protection of your data
The new General Data Protection Regulation came into force on May 25th 2018, and therefore, we wish to inform you about how we, at the Net Zero Innovation Hub for Data Centers, collect and process data, which we receive from members and stakeholders.
Disclosure of personal data
We collect data about name, company address, postcode, email, and phone number, continuously. The collection occurs, when you register for our events or you evaluate our various initiatives. These personal data are never disclosed to third party without your explicit consent. We use Google Analytics for collection of website data (see their Privacy Policy here).
When you register for an event, the compulsory data is clearly marked on the form. Submission of additional data in connection with registration for a service is optional.
Ongoing changes in the protection of personal dataThe rapid development implies that changes in our processing of personal data might be necessary. Therefore, we reserve the right to update and change current guidelines for processing of personal data. In the event of significant changes, we will inform you by posting a clear message on our websites.
Registration of information
The Net Zero Innovation Hub for Data Centers processes and saves all documents in connection with established and potential membership companies digitally. Customarily, the Innovation Hub will register the following information about a company or potential company in connection with a project partnership with The Net Zero Innovation Hub for Data Center:
The information is saved in an excel worksheet on Viborg municipality’s server and partially with MailChimp and NemTilmeld. The collected information will be processed according to the operator’s data progressing agreement (see MailChimp’s Privacy Policy here. And Nemtilmeld’s data processing agreement here). The registered information is intended to assist the client within the agreed fields. This includes contributing to create an overview of relevant business and industry challenges, in order to implement initiatives most effectively. No subsequent data transfer of personal data will occur.
If a client wants to see, which data DDI has registered on the company or the contact person, the company is asked to contact DDI’s secretariat.
Partner of Net Zero Innovation Hub
When you become a partner of the Innovation Hub, the company and contact person are made aware that they will receive offers and opportunities through email and newsletters.
We will register the following data about members:
The data is stored in the previously mentioned excel worksheet, MailChimp, NemTilmeld, including in the Economics accounting system for invoicing uses.
A welcome email will mention this, and the email is sent immediately after registration with the association, and on our website.
The purpose of registering these data is to provide DDI with an overall overview of the members and to, continuously, be able to inform them of their opportunities as a member.
If a member cancels their partnership with a project, it is possible to have their data deleted by sending an email or calling the management team.
After deleting the information in excel and MailChimp, the secretariat will, however, store invoice information according to applicable legislation and audit requirements.
NZIH newsletter
Both partners and non-partners may subscribe to the newsletter for free. By subscribing to the newsletter, you accept to receive newsletters from the Innovation Hub up to 20 times a year. We will save your name and email address in the assigned newsletter system. You may always unsubscribe to the newsletter by clicking the link at the bottom of the newsletter or by sending an email to
Digital contact with NZIH
If you contact the NZIH digitally (electronic contact form or email) with questions, suggestions or otherwise, you should be aware, that the inquiry will be forwarded to the relevant member of staff, who will report back. The inquiry will be deleted from NZIH's general email, when it has been forwarded to the relevant member of staff.
Participation in NZIH meetings
When you register for one of the events, the following data is registered:
The data is registered and stored at the supplier NemTilmeld's system, who handles the administration of the various events. The NemTilmeld system generates participant lists for distribution and nametags. At some events, the list of participants is sent to the participants in advance, so they are able to plan, who they want to contact at the meeting. For the most part, the purpose of events within the Hub, is to strengthen the participant’s network and cooperation, and knowing the other participants in advance best facilitates this. If, as a participant, you do not want to be on a list of participants, please notify us by via the comments box on the registration page.
Use of pictures
NZIH takes pictures at our events. These pictures may be used for a news email about the event, for our social media, for press releases, for the NZIH website, and for various marketing material, etc. It is noted that pictures will be taken at event registration.
If, as a participant, you do not want to be in these pictures, you may notify us in the comments box at registration or by contacting a NZIH member of staff at the beginning of the event.
If you have any queries!
Should you have any queries after reading the above, you are always welcome to contact us at or by phone: +45 20 15 50 21 for additional information.